
Friday, July 16, 2021

 Free Seeds for Fall Gardens

Greetings fellow gardeners. Welcome to my (new) Garden blog. 

The last year or so I have donated hundreds (if not a couple thousand) mini seed packs (see below) to the Central Texas Seed Savers for distribution to their seed libraries across Central Texas.  The main location at the Central Austin branch is in the old card catalog on the 6th floor. If you haven't been there to check it out I recommend a trip there. Make sure they are open to the public before you head over.

Colleen, the organizer of that effort, suggested I be a location to share seeds, as well. There is a movement in Austin (and around the country) to create little seed libraries. (Like the little free book libraries.) 

So this weekend I'll have seeds available, free of charge. I have two collections to pick from. The first is for root crops; In this collection there are 12 mini seed packets complete with labels containing a few helpful details. 

Root Crops

The first collection contains carrots, radishes, beets, lettuce, collards, rutabaga, turnips, Swiss chard, spinach, kohlrabi and onions. I've made about 50 cards for this collection with different varieties of these. Each card is almost identical. As one variety (of carrots for example) ran out I switched to a different variety. 

The second collection requires more effort. Should you be up to the challenge, this second collection contains 5 mini packets; two kinds of broccoli and two kinds of cabbage and one kind of cauliflower. You need to have a setup to start these and grow them from seeds to seedlings (start that NOW) then plant them out in a couple months. Not sure how to do this? Check out this video of ME, sharing how I start (fall) seeds!

If you are not sure you want to do this hang tight, I've already got some going in a lot more varieties to choose from! More on that in a later blog. 

My hope with sharing these seeds:
  • Please only take one of each.
  • Try something you haven't grown before.
  • Share the seeds you don't use with others or take them out and leave them here for me to take to CTSS for distribution.  
  • Share your excess seeds and produce with those around you.
  • You enjoy your time in the garden! Gardening is very therapeutic! 

Who: Me!
What: Seeds. Limited quantity Please just take one. 
When: This Saturday and Sunday (the 17th & 18th) don't show up before 10 am. Seeds out till 8 pm then I'll bring them in for the night. I have a prior commitment and won't be out there setting up till 10 am! 
Where: My driveway, email for address if you don't know it already.
Why: Just another way to share my passion for growing plants!
How: drive over and take a collection home. I only have about 36 complete sets of 12 but will refill with sets of 8 root crop seed mini seed packets till those run out.

Happy growing!

P. S. I'll welcome your donation of/for seeds if you wish to support my efforts. I will continue to provide seeds to Central Texas Seed Savers to distribute to those who visit area seed libraries. Ways to share include bringing your extra packets, bringing new packets or leaving a couple dollars and I'll share and buy more in bulk to continue to Keep Austin Growing!

Thank you for your support!!

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